Text Repeater: Repeat Text 10K

Maximize Your Text Efficiency with Text Repeater – The Ultimate Text Bombing App

  • Text Bombing for Fun and Affection
  • User-Friendly Design
  • Free and No Ads
Text Repeater Header

Elevate Your Messaging Game with Text Repeater

Dive into the world of Text Repeater, the ultimate app designed to elevate your text messaging game. In today’s digital era, where communication is predominantly text-based, Text Repeater emerges as a vital tool, ensuring that your messages aren’t just sent but are felt. Whether you’re aiming to deepen emotional connections through repeated affirmations or inject a dose of humor into your chats with text bombs, Text Repeater offers a seamless, innovative solution.

Beyond its core functionality, Text Repeater prides itself on a user-friendly interface that caters to everyone. It’s not just an app; it’s a revolution in textual communication, designed with precision to meet a diverse range of needs—from professional scenarios requiring placeholder text to personal moments that call for a creative touch.

Its capability to replicate text up to 10,000 times transforms ordinary messaging into an extraordinary, impactful experience. With just a click, unleash the power of repetition, and watch as your messages take on a new life, demonstrating the app’s commitment to enhancing efficiency, creativity, and connection in the digital world.

Meet our team

A group of passionate innovators and experts dedicated to excellence. Discover the faces behind our success.


Neranjan Ilukthenna

Founder, CEO & NSolution

Ruwan Sampath Dissanayake

App Developer

Prabhath Wijesinghe

Digital Marketer

Jayasanka Dissayanake

Project Manager